I think you're taking away the agency of people who sell their blood. They're not victims. Every industry is exploitative why focus on the blood trade? Have you ever sold blood? Or are you speaking over those that do? And it's not even selling your blood, it gets replenished.
Selling your blood isn't any less valid than working retail. Rational choice theory in social work means that people will make these decisions to survive. Would blood selling continue under socialism? Of course it would! Many of us enjoy selling our blood.
Most people who sell their blood are poor. If you think that poor people shouldn't sell their blood then you're being classist. What about the organ market? Why not focus on that? This is bloodsellerphobic. I have 50 mutuals with this person. Unfollow them or I'll block you.
This woman was able to buy her own house from selling blood. You're just trying to criminalize blood sellers because of your puritanical morals about blood being meant to stay in your body. HAHA what a psychopath you are. Don't you know some people *choose* to sell blood?
I've bought blood from blood sellers. There's nothing wrong with people selling their blood. Just because most people who sell their blood do it because the economy tanked and they will loose their housing if they don't doesn't mean they're forced. They enjoy it! You're crazy.
OP: Uh I'm not saying there's anything wrong with people who need to sell blood to survive. I'm saying something is wrong with an economy that forces them to by giving them no better opportunity to make a good life for themselves.

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