They want unity? Congress should be sending a unified message that what happened Wednesday is unacceptable.

There were bombs. There were zip-ties and a gallows. We are so damn lucky there weren't more deaths.

If you can't unify around that then shut the fuck up.
It's fuckin' infuriating. We were one idiot shooting at Capitol Police away from this turning into a bloodbath in the halls of the Capitol building.

We're damn lucky there weren't more deaths, as horrible as that is to say.
"it would inflame Trump supporters"

What the hell?! That Trump supporters aren't appalled at what was done in their name is itself worthy of unified condemnation.

I want to throw my computer. My God, you don't want to inflame Trump supporters?

What are they gonna do, get someone else killed? Oh. Ooooohhh.
It really seems like they haven't yet realized that there were good guys and bad guys on Wednesday, and the folks who stormed the Capitol were not the good guys.
That even Rep. Scalise, who surely knows about the dangers of political violence better than any of us, is timidly suggesting that he doesn't want to stir up Trump supporters is appalling.
No thanks. We should not negotiate with terrorists. Trump supporters should apologize and promise to end the violence.
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