OK, new project: Let's find the people who beat the policeman to death. Someone sent me a photo of the scene but my notifications are getting flooded. Can anyone who has photos or video of that scene post them in the replies here?
Here's the photo I was show, apparently of the late Officer Sicknick. 3 people I'd love to ID:
1) CAT Sweatshirt (did he use that crutch as a weapon?)
2) Orange Sweatshirt (with helmet and baton)
3) Scalloped Backpack
One at a time. Perp #1, let's call him CAT Sweat. Presumably a Caterpillar (Tractor) sweatshirt, grey hoodie. Yellow shape on back, maybe a "Don't Tread on Me" triangle. Looks like a club or knife on his hip, some other gear?
Perp #2, Let's call him Orange-N-Teal. Pale orange sweatshirt, bold teal backpack, black tactical helmet, tactical looking gloves, wielding a lead pipe or baton. Maybe the one who knocked the officer out.
Perp #3, call him Scallops for his distinctive scalloped grey backpack, with a pink something in the middle. Fatigue-colored clothes, bold red, black and white or red white and blue ball cap.
Perp #4, by popular demand, is Fingerman for obvious reasons. Looks short, balding, beard, drab jacket with some kind of yellow splash in front. Long ears?

You know what? No. Fuck YOU Fingerman.
Obviously all of these are very crude images. First order of business is to figure out which entrance this was at. Next, try to find more photos or video of this. This image is from CNN. Then look for these 4 elsewhere in footage/photos.
OK you all, I need to get some sleep, so here's a summary of what we've learned (A LOT!).
Increasingly this does look like the fatal attack on Officer Sicknick, as part of the brutal half hour or more melee fight (with crushing) in the tunnel at the West entrance of the Capitol.
h/t to @SusieQFortineux for ID'ing the entrance. Here is the half hour video . The events depicted in this snapshot appear to be at the end of that one, and about 0:19 into this Yahoo video https://sg.news.yahoo.com/amphtml/scenes-mayhem-pro-trump-protesters-003754604.html h/t @sctelstar for that timing.
That snapshot shows 4 perps beating the unconscious body of an Officer, likely Sicknick. The Yahoo video shows fighting at the mouth of the tunnel, grabbing then pulling the limp body down the steps, as attackers beat him with metal batons and thick flagpoles. Reports say that...
Sicknick was bashed with a fire extinguisher, regained consciousness, then died later. We see in one photo a perp holding a fire extinguisher just outside the gate, up on a stone bench, where he could have ambushed the officer and knocked him out. Haven't found video of that yet.
h/t @beccacamping_ who found that photo.
At the start of the Yahoo video we see two of our four targets -- Scallops and Orange-N-Teal -- attacking the officers at the mouth of the gate. Scallops is jabbing with a crutch. From 0:17 to 0:25 they drag the officer down stairs.
At that point, 0:25-0:30, a new perp - Caveman - beats the unconscious officer with a thick flagpole while a little balding guy in a brown jacket and Michigan sweatshirt takes the officer's helmet and puts it on, then drops and loses it.
The helmet thief looks like our target Fingerman, and indeed he flips the entrance off. Not 100% that him though bc a similar dude with a colorful scarf and (at this point) a gray wool hat) is up next to the gate. Needs more scrutiny.
As for the fire extinguisher, an extremely nervous looking dude walks inside to the rotunda and stashes it behind a stanchion. Worth checking out. @coyote4949 says the outside Fire extinguisher guy had a Washington Capitals Ovechkin jersey on under his black vest.
Outside Fire Extinguisher guy also has a prominent Black Hat, which is now his name. We definitely want more photos and video of him -- not sure where that spraying fits into the timeline.
Inside Nervous Fire Extinguisher guy has a black helmet, a reddish brown (suede?) jacket and vest, and what looks like a folder oversize bucket (Gilligan) hat over his chest, hanging from his chinstrap maybe.
As for our targets, Scallops is wearing a gray "3 day stretch backpack"
per @libraryluna. Apparently a FB group called Carryology has hardcore backpack nerds who might ID it -- anyone have the energy to crop and ask? h/t @Shizra41. Color is not gray but "ACU digi-camo" and Scallops' jacket is OD green, per @stephaniekinde2.
Scallops also has a very distinctive red-billed ball cap with white back and black or blue front. He is very aggressive in leading the attack on the West entrance doorway.
Orange-N-Teal (ONT) has a distinctive sculpted black helmet with a white band across the front. Nike Swoosh?
CAT Sweat is indeed wearing a gray Caterpillar hoodie. https://twitter.com/DavidCFein/status/1348135023703068673?s=20 All 3 of them are visible on the stairs of the Yahoo video, and likely inside the tunnel in that 29:00 video
I'm done for tonight. To do: 1) find more still and video of these perps 2) isolate identifying marks (tats, scars, clothes) and trace them 3) try to match them to a home down and TRACK THEM DOWN. Carry on, see you in AM
Wait! One more thing: @lolwutdafuqs found two great profiles of Scallops, and maybe-Fingerman in the background.
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