The countries of South-East Asia are 1000 x better in social distancing than other countries. Interestingly enough, the same is true for the countries of central Africa - they are masters of social distance and measures, too.
Nigeria is in the master class of social distancing, too -
5 deaths per Million.

(New Years Eve 2020)
It´s all about social distancing.

If you want to learn how to do it right, follow Bangladesh - 43 deaths per Millon.

Maybe this Asian country gets help from some demographic factors, they surely have a low population density and a lot of single households.

(Riots 10/2020)
The grandmaster of social distancing: Cambodia

The country of 16 Mio people still has 0 deaths. Sharing most socio-economic features with Peru, they succeed in the only things that matter: Distance & TTI.

They did this a thousand times better than every western country.
Everybody is talking about Australia as a good example for Government Response to COVID19.

But why does nobody talk about the outstanding people of Kenya, who do also social distancing at an expert level?

They have an even lower death toll per Population.
If we talk about "best practice" in social distancing, we cannot ignore the success of Ivory Coast.

With only 5 deaths/million, they do social distancing 5 x better than Australia, and more than 100 times better than western countries or Latin America.
Japan is practicing social distance 30x better than Europe or the U.S. (30 deaths/mio) - without a lockdown.

Probably they get helped by the Japanese habit of keeping a reasonable distance, having low population density in Tokyo and a young population.

(Tokyo, Halloween 2020)
Another unnoticed leader in social distance is Egypt. With only 30 Deaths/Mio, they are neck and neck with Australia(25).

By keeping a strict distance and personal hygiene in all aspects of life, Cairo is a shining example in contrast to western cities.
Social distancing in an exemplary manner - too little is said about Gambia. The west African state outclasses every western country in discipline, hygiene, and a successful mixture of government measures (51 deaths/1M).
#Thailand has shown that robust government responses, in combination with high compliance of the population, can control transmission.

With only 1 Death/Million, they got through the crisis 800x better than USA or Europe, and 35x better than Australia.

(NYE 20/21, Phuket)
No 🧵about excellence in social distancing would be complete without #Vietnam. With only 3 deaths/Mio, they social distance 300x more effective than most western countries. For their great efforts, they are explicitly mentioned by the #johnsnowmemorandum
Another outstanding success of social distancing. Laos has succeeded in doing what all countries in the Western world and Latin America have failed at: taking exactly the right measures and respecting distance and personal hygiene. 0 Deaths/7 Mio Population
(Laos wet market 2021)
India is another great example of social distancing. They practice this about 12x more successfully than the countries of the western world (79 deaths/million). Part of the success is, that in cities like Mumbai, TT&I can be carried out easily.
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