Was Wednesday’s attack on America what AL AG Marshall planned on December 11 when he flew to the White House to see Trump, as all the Republican court challenges (of which he was also a pivotal part) were on their final leg of implosion? https://www.alreporter.com/2021/01/07/alabama-ag-leads-nonprofit-that-helped-organize-march-at-capitol/
The day Marshall had his pic taken with Trump as the Republican Attorneys General—whose organization RAGA had installed Marshall as AL AG with an illegal $735,000 contribution just two years earlier—across America were asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the election? https://twitter.com/lauracaseyalpsc/status/1337542840436617218
The day the entire incoming Republican delegation from AL, save one, stood behind Mo Brooks and RAGA to declare the incoming administration illegitimate? Was Wednesday’s riot what they were planning the day, once all their court challenges had failed? https://twitter.com/lauracaseyalpsc/status/1337481184364916736
When RAGA, or more specifically its RLDF arm headed by AL AG Marshall, did decide to play a pivotal role in Wednesday’s coup, what were they hoping to achieve, if not an attack on the nation’s Capitol?
A democratic nation has no remedy for a mob to overturn an election, not on that day nor any other. What was RAGA’s purpose in calling citizens to the capital to intimidate legislators?
Steve Marshall has many questions to answer. May the incoming Congress fully explore that which I have no doubt Republicans will not cop to. Right now their actions Wednesday are nothing short of sedition. May he have the answers that make it something better.
You can follow @LauraCaseyALPSC.
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