One, who is a veteran officer, said that he didn't learn about the mob that was descending on the Capitol from his superiors — but through an Instagram screenshot from a friend.
The officer said upper management had been telling them to prepare for the storming like they would for any other protest — but they found themselves fighting off an invading force that their managers had downplayed.
They say the department's chief and other upper management left them unprepared and were nowhere to be found on the day.

For example, they had all been issued gas masks, but management didn't tell them to bring them in.
And while it was a difficult day for every officer at the Capitol, Black officers were in a particularly difficult position.

The second officer drew comparisons with how police handled the Black Lives Matter protests this summer.
The veteran officer said there needs to be more changes at the agency altogether.

“Our chief was nowhere to be found, I didn't hear him on the radio. One of our other deputy chiefs was not there. You don't think it's all hands on deck?”
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