White Liberals in Eugene are complacent and docile, having achieved something of an oasis (in their minds) in the middle of a sea of racist resentment here in the Southern Willamette Valley. This bleeds into the rest of the left here, and results in things like we see today.
There is simply no way to avoid the conflict that is coming to us. When fascists come to Eugene and tell us "war is coming" we need to take them at their word and prepare for it. And to the blockheads saying "stay home" or "let the police handle it", Please shut the fuck up.
And by conflict, we mean conflict. These people are threatening people, assaulting people, and brandishing weapons in broad day with the blessing of the EPD. It isn't going to be pretty to neutralize them but if we don't then you aren't going to like what happens next, I promise.
And when we say all this, we aren't addressing liberals or activists here in Eugene. You have shown yourselves to be useless and intentionally avoidant of the situation right before your eyes. We are talking to those that know what is happening, and what needs to be done.
There is nothing more fruitless than going around and trying to convince liberals and activists that war is here already. Those people will do any type of mental gymnastics to avoid having to face a reality where their comfort is threatened in the slightest.
And you know what? Given the choice between capitulation to fascists for their own comfort, and head on conflict with them, they will usually choose capitulation. I don't know how many times it needs to be proven, how many times you need to read "stay home" before this sinks in.
The problem in Eugene isn't that there aren't people here, it's that the left-activist/NGO apparatus is built up so much that it's easy for people to get it in their minds that there is a base of resistance that exists here. Well, there isn't and hasn't been for a long time.
The UO student radical apparatus is not a basis of resistance, though some of them are sincere and genuine. The NGO apparatus is not, any of the constellation of different activist groups in town is not. Your twitter account is not. This twitter account is not.
We don't mean that there isn't good work being done by people in those groups, but there isn't anything that can constitute itself into a material force in this town that can be reliably called upon, and until that changes, we have to admit that the fascists have the streets here
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