After the frightening and sobering events in the US Capitol recently, Bishop Barron ( @BishopBarron) recommended that, as a nation, we engage in an examination of conscience.

I came up with the following questions and am sharing them in case they are helpful to any of you. 1/12
1. Do I make an effort to inform myself in a way that is open to truth wherever it might be found or do I only read opinions and media with which I always agree? 2/12
2. Do I make an effort to find, understand, and read news sources that are objective and follow journalistic standards? 3/12
3. Do I regularly reduce complex issues to simplistic, partisan sound bites to avoid engaging honestly and vulnerably with people with whom I disagree? 4/12
4. Do I speak of my ideological opponents in a way that dehumanizes, stereotypes, or objectifies them? Do I speak scornfully or dismissively of those with whom I disagree rather than engaging with their ideas? 5/12
5. Do I allow feelings of rage, hatred, and bitterness toward those I see as political enemies grow in my heart? 6/12
6. Do I cultivate sin in my heart more than I cultivate virtue? 7/12
7. Do I read spiritual books as much as or more than I read the news? 8/12
8. Do I speak of and focus on political events more than the Church’s liturgical calendar? 9/12
9. Am I regularly distracted from my responsibilities by news, pundits, political arguments, and negative feelings toward those with whom I disagree? 10/12
10. What are my highest priorities? Where do I direct most of my energies? Do I put living for God first in my life? 11/12
For all those injured and who lost their lives recently, we pray they may rest in peace. For an end to division in our nation, Lord hear our prayer. That peace, justice, and truth may reign in our hearts and in our nation, Lord hear our prayer. 12/12
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