Being totally brain-rotted by Trumpism, Q, etc. is mental weakness, not mental illness
Racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, the love of guns, the love of power are not psychological or neurological disorders. They are choices.
Are they delusional? Yes. Are they paranoid? Yes. Are they receptive to manipulation? Yes. But there is nothing wrong with their brains. Their brains are just fine. They fed their brains garbage and it fermented.
For sure there are systemic explanations for who’s susceptible to this kind of programming and why they’d fall ever deeper into it. The grift is profitable! The regulations near-nonexistent! Still not mental illness, though. And not absolution.
I know plenty of people with intellectual & cognitive disabilities who aren’t conspiracy theorists or nazis. I’m not saying these folks as a class are disabled or less smart. I’m saying they’re weak, they made choices informed by solipsism and fear, and this is what results.
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