Some rules for on-line living, regardless of the platform.

1. Don't talk about guns/ammo.
2. Be wary of discussing prospective violent actions by anyone.
3. Don't talk with random people (unless you've known them on line, keep it vague if you respond at all).
They are going to cook up some new form of the Patriot Act to attack "domestic terrorism". A domestic terrorist is you, so keep that in mind. You are the enemy. You are the reason they will make the Act. They don't have total power, so just being careful will go a long way.
Anyone who gets arrested under the provisions of the Act will be accused of terrorism and the entire MSM (including Fox) will describe the person arrested as such, regardless of facts (they'll even make up things, if necessary). Those arrested will be called monsters.
And anyone associated with them will be guilty by association. So, that's why you take great care when doing things on line: that guy who's in your TL saying "right on" might be an idiot who gets himself arrested. Now, you get to lose your job because you're his friend.
The two crucial steps we have to do is to build an alternate MSM (our part being to consume the product of this alternate MSM) and a series of Legal Defense and Education funds. The Courts still work; they still have to bring a person to trial. A jury still decides.
So: consume the alternate MSM and donate to any reputable Legal funds you can find. As you consume the new MSM, tell your friends about it. Casually. Don't knock the old MSM; just tell them where you get your news. Let traffic flow to the new MSM.
Stay frosty. Don't let the bastards grind you down. Be very careful of supposed allies: some will be mere grifters, others will be working for our opponents, trying to divide us or induce us into doing something stupid (like charging into the Capitol).
Attend the protests. But, have a care: provocateurs will be there to stir up trouble. Being filmed at a demonstration the MSM describes as a white nationalist riot places you in social and economic jeopardy. Vet carefully those organizing the event and find out who is going.
Cease denouncing BLM and Antifa. They are mostly misguided, but they do despise this system. So do you. Talk to them. Try to find common ground. If you make some friends over there, its harder for the system to get you. Over time, you might find allies where least expected.
Dividing us on race and such is the Establishment goal. If we're hating each other than when the Establishment picks one of us off, the other side is pleased. Don't be pleased. Stop being divided. Your enemy is in DC and the Corporate boardrooms. Your friends are everywhere else.
We've got a long road back to normalcy. It won't happen fast and it won't come easy. But we're Americans. We can do this. We're dealing with greedy cowards. Their only power is the lie and our division. We're already rejecting the lie, and once we're united, we're there.
Addendum: You can now see bot comments attacking me. They are blocked. I never even responded to them. That is what you do: such bots are trying to get me to say something which will get me in trouble. Don't be a fool about such things.
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