I suspect it is hard to love a healthcare worker. We come home late and are too tired to cook. We work extra because we know there are sick people who need us. We don't want to talk when we come home. We have talked all day.
We don't want to move when we come home. We have moved all day. It may seem, that we have left all our caring, our heart, and our love at work, then come home to you empty. We probably have. Just give us time. We don't tell you that many times at work we are scared.
Scared we are missing something. Scared we will let our patients down. We carry the pain of losing a patient thinking did we do everything we can for them. We have to deal with angry families. We don't tell you how much harder it is since the Pandemic hit, to do a job we love,
but now feel terrified to do. We don't tell you while at work we have moments of asking ourselves did we contaminate ourselves,praying we dont take anything home to our family. I suspect it is hard to love a healthcare worker, but know this:Your healthcare worker needs your love.
Needs your understanding. Needs to know that you "get it" even if you dont. Needs to be taken care of. Sometimes they just need 30 min alone to calm their mind to have time to pray or meditate. They need you to do the hardest work you may ever do,
which is to love a healthcare worker.

I would like to thank those of you out there who love us and let us do this work, this calling..this life: HEALTHCARE
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