It’s the time of the year when students start looking for jobs/ internships. So here’s my advice.
- Lean portfolio, only show your best work. You don’t want to give them a reason to fault you. If it looks bad don’t put it in.
- Spend time lighting your work, bad lighting kills.
- Showcase your skills! You want to show your knowledge and flexibility. If you’re an env artist make sure your work has trims, alpha cards, masking, modularity, organic, hard surface, etc.
-Put time into your final renders! Mimic professionals!
-For non-stylized work, no faceted edges. It’s 2021, we’re on next gen. No more faceted edges.
-For env.... clean topology doesn’t really matter anymore, boasting about small tris counts doesn’t matter anymore. Put your effort elsewhere.
- Use Artstation, just use it.
Applying for jobs
- if the listing is for junior/ associate, apply. If the listing is for mid-senior, apply. It’s hard to find senior artists, occasionally they’ll settle for a talented junior. Doesn’t hurt to apply.
- No jobs listed at a studio? If they have an email, ask-
-Not every studio lists their jobs publicly, sometimes jobs circle internally first. So sending an email doesn’t hurt. The worst they can do is say no
-keep track of the jobs you apply for, don’t apply to a job your portfolios isn’t for, don’t use a env portfolio for game design.
- Be nice to HR! Be nice to recruiters! They know what their doing, don’t be a jerk to them because their not who you wanna talk to.
- If you have to sign an NDA for an interview, take it seriously. Don’t go spilling anything just because it was just for an interview.
Art Tests
- be professional, be timely, do not be late, present high quality work. If the art test calls out an element they want, HIT IT.
- Follow up emails are ok! Follow up after 2 weeks. It shows your interested!
- if you can ask for feedback! If you get it, do it!
- be timely, be nice, your portfolio got you in the door, but if you’re an ass they won’t hire you.
- ask questions! It proves your interested in the job.
- they’ll most likely ask about your experience with collision and lods. Try to familiarize yourself with this.
Not getting anywhere?
- there’s career mentorships available
- keep trying! I applied to 60 jobs before I got my first one. I only got 3 interviews. All it takes is one.
-Games hiring is... slow. It took me six months the first time.
-Ask for portfolio reviews! Join a discord!
Got questions? Ask me!
You can follow @brielieve_it.
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