Let me explain what happens when you exonerate traitors of their crimes: there is no healing because there was no justice. There is no deterrence because their is no accountability. The traitors will continue to inflict violence and terror on their victims. 1/5
Eventually, the loyal party will grow tired of enforcing laws that exist to protect the victims from the traitors. They'll claim unity and reconciliation through giving the criminals as much of what they wanted in the first place as they can get away with. 2/5
The traitors might even play the long game over the course of decades by taking control of the loyal party and using as a vehicle to commit further crimes, further treason. If you tries to call them on this, they'll deny it and gaslight you about it. Dinesh. 3/5
They know that we don't have the integrity or moral fortitude to do what's right, so they can make repeated attempts to overthrow democracy until one of them works. After all, we've set the precedent that we prefer faux unity to real justice. 4/5
I and every other historian of the Civil War Era can tell you exactly what happens when you forsake justice for "unity." We've seen it before. We're begging you to not repeat the mistake. 5/5
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