Hewitt left out an important detail. He’d received an email from his boss, Salem Radio CEO Edward Atsinger, that was “a very well stated case for supporting the GOP nominee because we have to beat Hillary,” according to Salem’s SVP Phil Boyce.

Atsinger said that his email to Hewitt was the basis of Hewitt’s Washington Post column. “"Wow he took a lot from my email to him and turned it into an article," he said, according to an email obtained by CNN.


Since Trump was elected, Hewitt's been an enthusiastic supporter, couching occasional criticism in a day-to-defense of Trump’s policies & a rationalization of his behavior. He’s an aggressive critic of Trump-skeptics who hold the views he did before the memo from his boss.
Hewitt claims now he wants somber reflection and an end to the divisions of recent years. He was apparently less concerned about division when he had Kurt Schlichter regularly appear on and guest host his radio show.

Who is Kurt Schlichter? One of the most divisive figures on populist right. Like Hewitt, he’s a onetime Trump critic who now argues with the passion of a convert. And then goes much further.

For more than four years, Hewitt has normalized Trump’s reckless presidency. He played a major role in deceiving those 74 million Trump voters and now claims that it’s others who don’t care about them?

The best way to show concern for Trump voters – for any voters – is to tell them the truth. While Hewitt is busy portraying himself as the spokesman for those voters, as the voice of their concerns, he’s been abetting the con.

The president of the United States attempted to overturn an election based on a series of lies. He said the election would be rigged. It wasn’t. He told his supporters the election was stolen. It wasn’t. He threatened the GA SecState to change the certified results.

The president and his lawyer were still trying to block the counting of electoral votes during and *after* the attack on the Capitol by his supporters. He worked to stop the peaceful transfer of power in the greatest representative government the world has ever known.

We have an acting attorney general, an acting SecDef. Many top natsec officials have left their posts. Trump's team has blocked crucial military and national security briefings for the incoming administration. Top military officials are alarmed at our vulnerability.

So, yes, Donald Trump needs to be impeached and removed as soon as possible. For reasons of principle and justice, out of concern for the present and the future.

Contra @hughhewitt, making such an argument isn’t driven by Trump Derangement Syndrome. It isn't in any way “anti-American.”

And I’ll look elsewhere for lectures on principle.

Time to go fishing.

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