I don't know who needs to hear this but, while tactics matter optically, tactics themselves aren't inherently good or evil

"Why do you condemn storming the capital to 'stop the steal' but support the BLM riots!"

Because one of those causes is righteous and the other isn't
Imagine asking someone on the right "why do you oppose Osama Bin Laden but think George Washington was a hero? Both of them killed people!"

I guarantee you whatever response they give will involve moral judgment, but God forbid we tell them BLM and MAGA aren't morally equivalent
"Why did you riot for months after the police murder of Breonna Taylor in her bed but not for the killing of Ashli Babbitt as she attempted to break into the House chamber to stop the electoral process?"

Are you listening to yourself right now?! Those two things are NOT THE SAME
There's a HUGE moral difference between breaking into a police precinct because the police won't stop fucking killing Black people and breaking into the Capitol building to "stop the steal"; the tactics aren't the goddamn point, the end goal matters also
I am for different treatment of different ideological positions because all ideologies are not created equal
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