So I've been reading a bit about chemistry and so much of what I read made me think about the difference between Brettsey & Dawsey and why I think Brettsey is the better pairing so here is a thread! (It's LONG)
First of all let's talk about Dawson & Casey's chemistry.
Like many people I would say that even before they got together they had a lot of sexual chemistry. It always felt like something pulled them together.
But what I never got with them was the feeling that there was a deeper emotional connection between them. I mostly just saw a sexual attraction there. Emotionally I felt like there were just friendly feelings.
Brett & Casey's relationship obviously started out completly different.
They started out with friendship before anything else and that didn't really change until the later episodes of S7.
And even after they first realized that maybe there is something between them their chemistry was much more emotional/romantic than Dawseys and a lot less sexual because I think both of them were very hesitant and tried to hold back because of their history.
I think that's why some people say they don't have chemistry. Because (at first) it's not as much of a physical chemistry but more of a romantic chemistry and an emotional connection which shows very differently.
Some people may think having sexual chemistry is the most important thing in a relationship because it's the most obvious thing you can see from the outside but there is so much more you need for a relationship to really work out.
Another point I know some people talk about is how Brett & Casey are too similar and wouldn't work/would be bored by eachother. Casey needs someone who is the opposite of him etc...
But please let us not forget his relationship with someone completly different ultimately failed
While I think it's true that partners being different in some ways and being able to complete each other is a good thing I think there is also a point of being too different. And if you're too different you can't possible make your relationship work.
And I think that was a very big problem with Dawson & Casey.
They were too different, they were never on the same page and they never really wanted the same thing.
They tried to make their relationship work but ultimately it always came down to the same problem.
Casey wanting them to be dependent on each other while for Gabby her independency was always the most important thing. So they clashed a lot because there was really no way to make it work without one of them essentially changing who they are.
With Brett & Casey it's completly different. They do have very similar traits and very much want the same thing. An equal, respectful relationship where they can support each other & make decisions together while also staying true to themselves.
Both of them don't want the other one to change and are happy with eachother just by being themselves. And they just get each other, maybe because they ARE so similar and understand more than others what's going on inside them.
And just take a look at how different Casey behaves around Brett in comparison to Dawson. Over the course of his relationship with Dawson he changed a lot and became much more withdrawn. He tried to change himself because he WANTED his relationship with Dawson to work out.
With Brett it's different. He seems much more relaxed, he's laughing again & just seems happier overall bc he can be himself again. I don't wanna say he was completly unhappy with Gabby but you can't constantly try to be someone you aren't without it affecting your happiness.
Let's talk about communication next. Because communication is one of the most important things to make a relationship work.
How would you know what your partner wants/thinks whithout talking about it?
And I think that's one of the biggest reasons why Dawseys relationship failed
It always came down to communication issues bc ultimately they never talked about their problems at all. They kissed and made up, then proceeded to ignore what happened and never mentioned it again without solving anything. Not a very good strategy in a long term relationship
Maybe you can trace their communication problems back to them not wanting the same thing again.
I think Gabby took Matt voicing his different thoughts/wants as him trying to take away her independency & not supporting her while he just wanted them to discuss these things together
Casey ended up avoiding to really voice his opinions bc it always ended up in fighting and Dawson still doing whatever she wanted but that also never made him really happy. He wanted them to make decisions together as a couple but she wanted to make her own independant decisions.
Completly different approaches to a relationship that could have never worked out together and lead to a lot of missunderstandings and a complete lack of communication.
Brett and Casey in contrast are very solid at communication. They ask each other for help & advice, they tell eachother what they think and they outright want to know the others opinion and want their input to get to a desicion. They just understand eachother.
They try to talk things through and help eachother out with their struggles while not trying to disclaim the others thoughts.
That's an important part of how to make a relationship work in the long run and I think they are so good at it bc they both actually want the same thing.
So in conclusion what I wanted to say is that while Dawsey had great sexual chemistry they were seriously lacking the kind of romantic & emotional chemistry & connection that makes a relationship really work.
And I'm not saying that one of them is at fault for that.
They both got carried away with their sexual attraction and ignored some red flags.They did form an emotional bond through everything they've been through and I do think they loved each other but it never got to the point were both of them put their love before everything else.
With Brett & Casey we got the romantic/emotional chemistry first which isn't as obvious to see from the outside.
But I think the way they look at eachother speaks volumes. This isn't the kind of look you would give a good friend.
Their looks always hold so much softness & love you can literally see how much they mean to each other. And the way they talk is completly different to when they talk to anyone else. You can see how much they love each other simply for being who they are without any expectations.
Furthermore I think the sexual chemistry between them grew over time and will still grow in the future especially now after they kissed.
And I think that mix of romantic/emotional & sexual/physical chemistry that they have is what would make Brett & Casey a great couple.
I could have added so much more but I got carried away already and this thread already became way too long so I'm gonna stop it here. Maybe I'm gonna do a part 2 in the future 🤣
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