1...Sometimes it’s good to shuffle through political legacy and juxtapose related comments from our dear leaders:
1. Jason Kenney (premier)
2. Jason Luan (associate minister of mental health and addictions)

@jkenney:”If all or almost all travel was to be suspended, I do not believe that WestJet could survive. The failure of that company would frankly be a catastrophe [for Alberta’s economy and pandemic recovery].

Jason Luan:”Our criteria is measured against our hospital capacity to handle ICUs and hospitalizations,” said Luan. “We’re waiting to see where that threshold will be pushed to our limit and then gradually reduce more activities that way.”

4...So, during a pandemic where the numbers of lives lost is directly related to the number of cases, but worsened by the deterioration of resilience within the healthcare system, the UCP has explicitly told us they will support the interests of individual large corporations...5
5...such as WestJet, over the needs and safety of the people (healthcare capacity). They explicitly say “we won’t let WestJet teeter on disaster”, yet they say “we will let every hospital teeter on disaster before we even consider acting, in fact that is our intention...6
6...I want you to realize how consistent this is. #Alohagate is not a flubbed moment of misjudgement. It is a natural extension of their policy. In fact it demonstrates how the @UCPCaucus has no intention of muting any consequence of their philosophy...7
7...so if you ask yourself “will they actually turn their Alberta Police Force into a means to suppress political opponents and enforce Bill1 destruction of your rights?” That is Alberta Police Force x AlohaGate looks like...
8...”Will they really brainwash our kids with a hyper-right wing racist curriculum?” UCP curriculum changes x AlohaGate = yes. “Will they truly privatize healthcare so that corps get rich and you go into American-style medical bankruptcy?” Bill30 x AlohaGate = affirmative...9
9...”Will they actually return working conditions to the misery and danger presented to the public during the 1800’s industrial revolution?” Bill32 x AlohaGate = yes.
“Will they actually make the law ‘guilty until proven innocent?” A second Bill21 x AlohaGate = yes
10...”Is @jkenney and the @UCPCaucus working towards a totalitarian state where your rights, safeties and hard work are taken from you and given to their large corporate sponsors. All the UCP Bills x AlohaGate = a resounding and undeniable YES...11
11...So when it comes to the UCP, don’t thing of these things as individual scandals. They are a natural consequence bubbling to the surface of a deep malignancy. A malignancy we have still yet to fully see. Keep up the fight. End #UCPcorruption
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