Police arrest Florida man who was allegedly carrying Nancy Pelosi's lectern in the Capitol
~ Amazing that the rioters were able to get back home, instead of being arrested at the Capital!
I hope the police do a BETTER JOB during the inauguration! https://twitter.com/i/events/1347924332538855424
Off-duty cops and officials face reckoning after rallying at Capitol https://twitter.com/i/events/1349753144302067713
FBI arrest social media personality known as Baked Alaska for his alleged involvement in the Capitol riots https://twitter.com/i/events/1350523374825426944
"Unprecedented" in FBI history: What we know about the Capitol riot arrests
“"The scope and scale of this investigation in these cases are really unprecedented, not only in FBI history but probably DOJ history,” U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin.”
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/capitol-riot-arrests-2021-01-26/ @CBSNews
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