Look, everyone.

I love me.

It took me a long time to get to that point, and it was a hard road where I had to learn a lot of lessons.

But at the end of the day, I feel good about who I am, and that's something teenage me never would have thought possible.
I learned how suppressing my emotions didn't make me healthier, it only fed my depression.

I learned how lying about how you feel only made it harder for you to find your true self.

And I learned that physical and mental boundaries mean everything to your health.
I choose to be open, honest, and earnest in how I feel and operate. It's a conscious choice I make, and one I know has its own consquences.

Because setting boundaries will always hurt people's feelings as they feel like they earned that space. It's always gonna be a conflict.
Regardless of whether you like it, or connect with it, I'm a Black Man in America.

That paints my everyday view and every single interaction I have. That is my life, and if you can't understand that that's not my problem. This is just my reality.
I've had to learn how to deal with these issues largely on my own. And I'm proud of myself for being able to do so.

I worked to get to the point where I could honestly love myself.

And I do.

I love me.
So if you try to make a point to shame me, it won't work. It's not that I don't have my faults, it's just that I've embraced my faults.

Yea I can be a total savage. But you know EXACTLY what those triggers are. And I tell people to stop for a reason.
I can't control all my triggers, but I know when you're hitting them.

Folks can ignore me when I say Stop if they want, but they can't complain about the consequences if they don't.

I maintain my boundaries for myself, and I won't feel bad about that.
Cause I know that I can also be a big ass teddy bear for anyone who just simply minds my boundaries.

I've chosen to protect my boundaries with fire and flames rather than hideaway. That's my choice.

If you don't like it then don't interact with me. That's fine.

But I love me.
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