1. Die Ordnungspolizei - Hitler’s Uniformed Police - Orpo - the original Nazi police. The outcome of the merger of Germany’s uniformed police forces and the SS.
This subject was once the cause of a major historical debate between Christopher Browning and Daniel Goldhagen:
2. The Goldhagen-Browning debate (1992-2000) twisted and turned with followers behind each scholar. The criticism became quite hostile at times as scholars or students could almost trade blows. There was no middle ground.
3. At that time I was conducting PhD research into Nazi Bandenbekämpfung. There were many Orpo wartime documents and I continually came up against the Chief of Orpo Kurt Daluege (1897-1946) - known by other Nazis as Dummi-Dummi. He rarely figured in the debates.
4. In 1936 Daluege gave a key speech - ‘Die Poilizei - Dein Freund, Dein Helfer’ The distribution of papers with the speech included a breakdown of the various branches of the Orpo as he saw them:
5. In July 1945 US Army interrogators conducted a deep analysis of Daluege before passing him on to the Czechoslovakian courts. They compiled several collections of records. Including jottings for police ratios across occupied Europe circa 1942:
6. Daluege’s prominence among the gang of four was photographed at a Police day event in 1938. Heydrich and Daluege were Himmler’s key deputies and Wolff he’s a prominent position sealing the leadership office.
7. Incidentally all the research sources for this thread came from @USNatArchives Daluege was wounded in the Great War and his record was filed into his SS personal folder. His Freikorps story was also included.
8. The SS/Nazi system began archiving his memory for distinction in the great vault of eulogising leaders. If you are what you read then his library was interesting. Too many pages for the complete set - just a selection - from 20 pages:
9. After Heydrich was assassinated in 1942, Daluege was set in competition with his old comrade from the Röhm Putsch - Erich von dam Bach-Zelewski. The fan club speaks volumes of modern politics and policing. Daluege was responsible for Lidice although others were implicated.
10. Unaccountably Daluege disappeared in 1943 - archiving stopped. Himmler ordered no further reference to him. Scholars claimed a heart attack - not the usual reason to be wiped from Nazi history. The US Army interrogators learned:
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