@MvRemmerden since you commented on my post, I would like to bother you with few UX issues. Thank you :)
Repo overview - these buttons are shown after years and thousands commits - I don't wanna see them each time I visit a project:
The major place action on project overview is dedicated for... leaving project. Please, remove this link. Also, I'm not sure that seeing how many gigs project take is something fitting for this page.
MRs - the overview tab has newest things at the bottom and the second tab commits has the newest tabs on the top. Recently we may change the ordering on the overview tab, yet the newest on the bottom is de-facto standard for MRs and cannot be changed on the second tab :(
MRs - review thread - there is a resolve/unresolve button on the right, but clicking the input makes it hidden and cannot easily unfocused for gaining it back.
MRs - UX of selecting more lines to comment via dropdown is not even nerdy thing.
MRs - quick file search is possible only with tree enabled (which is also slow in big PRs, so jumping to the file is really nightmare).
MRs - "show just one file at a time" is nice feature, but not much usable since the next/previous buttons are under the changes, so their position jumps when going through the PR.
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