The following isn't an attempt to diminish circumstances, just to point something out.

Everyone is throwing out the catchphrases: "foreboding, something is coming, spiritual attack, full court press, we've lost the republic, feels like a countdown, it's over, etc."

Head's up👇🏻
That's all true, of course, but it's been true for a while.

What you're seeing is a coordinated expression of it that is designed to be foreboding, scary, & to make you feel helpless all supposedly in response to 1 man who supposedly has a little over a week left in office. 👇🏻
In other words, these actions are designed to make you feel this way, and for you to associate these feelings with the silence and apparent political death of Trump.

Why? He wasn't really talking much. He walked everything back, condemned the thing, & said he'd xfer power. 👇🏻
Everything I've said about what & why these people do is still true. Smith Mundt is still active. The is theater. There are real consequences, of course, but theater nonetheless.

So, ask yourself why they want you to feel afraid & hopeless, & why they want you to associate those emotions with Trump's presidency being politically assassinated.

Don't let them manipulate you.
Uber zionistic satanic third temple promoting former head of the CIA, and all around lying creep confirms.
So silly. It's like one of those cut scene narrators, Captain Obvious, from the original Batman show or some black and white series. "Find out what happens to our hero on the next episode of Trumpus Rex."
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