The first act of the 1st Congress was the establishment of the following Oath for federal officials. “ I, _______ do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States.” We do not move on from sedition and anarchy. We face it in America and we
Treat it like the cancer it is. We lawfully excise it. We repudiate it. We must be clear eyed about the monumental catastrophe that has been brought to us all through the dishonesty, greed, corruption, sociopathy, psychopathy of a few thousand people who were able to yield the
levers of Executive and Legislative power for a few short years. They created an autocratic movement in a short time and advanced a Confederacy of racial animus, illiberalism, conspiracy theories, junk science and anti democratic theories that overran the Capitol of the United
States and led to the desecration of our greatest secular temple, the People’s House. We stand at an hour of profound national humiliation and shame. We are in an hour of danger. None of this happened providentially. It was incited. It was instigated. It was premeditated. It was
organized. It was stoked by the reckless lying, opportunism and cynicism of @HawleyMO @GOPLeader @tedcruz and so many others. There must be a reckoning of justice. We cannot stand for this and we will not @ProjectLincoln
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