1/ Algorithmic stablecoins have become a huge trend within DeFi. They say they have the potential to replace traditional collateralized stablecoins. Let’s sort everything out and talk about @BasisCash 👀
2/ The protocol issues 3 tokens: Basis Cash, Basis Share, Basis Bond. Basis Cash is a stable token that can fluctuate above and below $1💸💸. How to stabilize it? For this purpose, Basis Share and Basis Bond were designed. Imagine 2 scenarios: the price is below $1 and above 1$.
3/ The price is below 1$ ⬇️
The protocol offers users to buy Basis Bonds at a certain discount to establish the price stability of Basis Cash.
4/ In this case, investors expect that the token price will grow up and they will fix their profits when they swap Basis Bonds for Basis Cash at a 1:1 ratio when the price is > $1. The described actions cause a decrease in the total supply not allowing the token to depreciate.
5/ The price is above 1$ ⬆️
This option looks more clear. If the token price is higher than the $1 peg, the Treasury contract mints new Basis Cash tokens to increase supply and partially depreciate the token to $1.
6/ By the way, the new Basis Cash tokens are minted and distributed to Basis Share owners. These holders can stake Basis Shares and earn daily seigniorage based on the price of Basis Cash.
7/ Brief description of the token distribution logic 🗣🧠
The project prioritized users that deposited DAI, yCRV, USDT, sUSD, and USDC to the distribution contract with a special initial distribution incentive.
8/ The depositors were entitled to the distribution of 50,000 Basis Cash: 10,000 tokens
were granted to the users every day. The same amount of Basis Cash was assigned to each stablecoin pool, where the amount of stablecoin deposits couldn’t exceed 20,000 tokens per pool.
9/ Currently, the stablecoin pools have expired and are not active. However, you can become a liquidity provider to the Uniswap pairs and earn some Basis Share tokens.
10/ Users, providing liquidity to the Basis Cash(BAC)-DAI Uniswap v2 pair, receive Basis Shares. In order to be rewarded, they should deposit LP tokens to the distribution contract.
11/ It’s planned to distribute 750,000 Basis Shares to liquidity providers of the BAS pool 1, starting with 6250 Basis Shares. The amount is decreased by 75% every 30 days.
12/ A total of 250,000 Basis Shares is being distributed to liquidity providers of the Basis Share (BAS)-DAI Uniswap v2 pair. The distribution lasts 365 days. Every day, an equal amount of tokens is sent to users.
13/ How to earn Basis Share distribution❔
Basis Share Pool 1:
1️⃣ Go to the liquidity providing page and add the liquidity
14/ 2️⃣ After you provide liquidity through Uniswap, go back to the pool page and approve BAC_DAI-UNI-LP v2 to deposit LP tokens.
15/ Basis Share Pool 2:
1️⃣As with Pool 1, go to another Uniswap page to add the liquidity
16/ 2️⃣ Having provided liquidity through Uniswap, go back to the pool page and approve BAS_DAI-UNI-LP v2 to deposit LP tokens.
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