There's a lot of interest in the relationship between communication & violence right now, so I'm going to thread some things I've written that you can read if you want to learn more. >>
First, an open access essay on "dangerous demagogues" and "weaponized communication"--using language as force to intimidate. It's got some parts from my Trump book in it & examples of Trump, Alex Jones & white nationalists:
I've written lots of other things & done other explainer videos & whatnot, but I'm sure that's enough to read! Trump is a dangerous demagogue, he always has been.
And, tl:dr: Trump uses three rhetorical strategies consistently to appeal to his base: ad populum, paralipsis, and American exceptionalism.
He uses three rhetorical strategies to separate him and his base from everyone else: ad hominem, ad baculum, and reification.
And he uses fascist appeals to create loyalty between him & his followers:
And people always ask me how to counter Trump's messages. The most democratic way is to show how they work so folks can decide for themselves (as I try to do).
In the fascism thread I suggest we "weirdify" what Trump makes simple. And here I try to simplify what Trump makes complex:
You can follow @jenmercieca.
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