No person -- no politician, pundit, podcaster -- who surveys the events of the past days, weeks, years, and reacts by adopting the mantle of victimhood by lamenting the loss of Trump's social media or their followers, deserves any future role in deciding the course of this nation
The cavalcade of TV hosts, site owners, senators, administration officials, tweeting like they're waiting for a rail car to Treblinka because Twitter might deplatform them, is disgusting beyond any reasonable pale, and that culture of glossing over real inhumanity needs to end.
There are sitting members of Congress whose speeches have been flagged by the ADL; former governors who have defended the Confederate flag; and TV personalities who've reified white supremacy, trying to argue that the *real* fascists are deplatforming them. AFTER an insurrection.
Some of us have spent our entire careers chronicling this growing disease in our culture and the economic and cultural dynamics that feed it, and after it tried to impose rule by blood over 330 million Americans, we critics are still being assailed as the *real* aggressors.
Even the camp on the right that pivoted to anti-Trumpism published books with titles like "Liberal Fascism," *decades ago,* nourishing the same ghoulish illiberalism that led to this week. They praised cops, free markets, and "individual responsibility" as bludgeons to cow others
And now that there's the mildest chance of an accounting, a reckoning, for the forces that they unleashed for fun and profit, they're crying about illiberalism. They should never, ever be taken seriously again, never be paid for their demagoguery, never be booked, never be heeded
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