For all the legitimate discussion about how dark web madness and arcane conspiracy theories fueled the attack, let's not underplay how eagerly Rupert Murdoch has profited by turning his own network into a filling station for lies, paranoia, and unearned grievance for years now. >
No one in media has done more to confuse, mislead, or stoke the paranoia of angry white people with the lie that something is being stolen from them than Murdoch. He owns a huge piece of this, his late-arriving distaste for Trump notwithstanding.
Also, any discussion of how to find unity, end the partisan divide, reach common ground, etc. is wildly inappropriate. What is happening is not happening because of a policy dispute, but because the mainstream of one party has taken a flamethrower to factual reality. >
Republicans set this fire. It's theirs to douse. When they drag the people they lied to back to sanity, we can discuss infinite policy disagreements. Until then, it is right for Democrats to treat their party not as the opposition but as the dangerous, anti-American enemy it is.
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