- They passed NAFTA over all our objections, bipartisan
- They were caught in corruption, including foreign influence peddling. No one was prosecuted
- They sold out manufacturing and retail sales to China, devastating our middle-class
- 9/11, Patriot Act, Iraq, Afghanistan
- 2000 election irregularities
- Increase of illegal immigration, borders open
- OxyContin, heroin, fentanyl
- Homosexual 'marriage' against our will, slippery slope degeneracy
- Banking/HUD/FMFM collapse and bailout, TARP
- Obama
- Obamacare
- A 10yr depression, lost wages/hours
- GOP betrayal, Gang of 8
- Teaparty IRS persecution
- Scandals gaslit and broomed
- Clinton influence peddling exposed, given immunity
- Anti-White violence, corporate support of BLM terrorism, assassination of police
- Propaganda calling average normies "Nazis"
- Riots at Trump rallies, coordinated by DNC, caught on video, no one is prosecuted
- Riots and terror attacks at the 2017 inauguration, no one is prosecuted
- Mobs shut down public appearances, prayer groups, political rallies, few are prosecuted
- Citizens assaulted, murdered
- Corporate media attacking private citizens
- Federal agencies protecting Democrats, spying on Trump, attempted to overthrow the election with false allegations, hobbling the presidency for 4 years with "resistance"
- Antifa praised for Charlottesville violence, bipartisan
- We demanded troops come home, POTUS ordered, mutiny and sedition prevents this
-We demanded a wall, they fought it tooth and nail
-We demanded an end to funding PP, which was caught selling baby organs on video. The videographer is still on trial
- Cancel culture, doxing, targeting of innocent American citizens for wrong-think
- Covid-19 and the arbitrary and capricious, contradictory restrictions, deliberate action taken to kill the most people possible, mostly elderly. Business shut down. No real relief
- Summer of Rage
- Corporate media propaganda turning violent criminals into folk heroes, multinationals financing BLM violence, communities burned, looted. Citizens and police murdered, for months. Handful of people fight to defend themselves, labeled criminal, arrested and jailed.
- Leftwing figures in politics, media and corporate power, defaming people, justifying violence, cheering our deaths and injuries
- "Peaceful protests." gaslight blaming the violence on us, not the terrorists engaged in it
- Stolen election, coordinated effort to deny redress
- Americans painted as evil, their children's' future stolen, their sons suicidal, addicted, KIA or self-mutilating, their daughters hateful whores. Blamed for every evil, real or imagined. Silenced. Institutional avenues for redress denied. Two-tier justice enforced.
This incomplete list of indignities, tyranny and abuse that has made the majority of the Heritage Americans of the Middle-Class desperate, while evil people take away our livelihoods, put us in jail, and rape our kids, thinking it's funny, labeling us 'terrorists' for protesting.
We are threatened with extinction, "protected classes" given license to assault, murder, defame and steal from us. Our history demonized and distorted, as our monuments and culture are destroyed. We are denied basic services. Civil liberties trampled. Told it's the 'free market.'
Foreign-financed, globalist multinationals and oligarchs have instituted a Maoist cultural revolution, and all avenues for stopping them have been taken, as oligopolistic trusts push us into ghettos. Future gone. Present trampled. Past burned and smashed.

What comes next...?
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