A thread on sexuality, sw etc. 🧵

My clients know this, everyone in my civ life knows this: I’m not a hugely sexual person. It’s not a big aspect of my personality (sorry to ruin the stereotype you have of every single sex worker)

Which is why I have limited avenues for it.
This was a large part of my decision of moving to in person sw from online sw in the first place, which was my first avenue.

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking- but the majority of each session is not spent having sex.

Which comes from huge privilege-I’ve had the privilege of being able to focus on the longer type of bookings client, more romance and toned down sexuality in my branding than P SE

Even when I did sugaring and/or mostly shorter just sex bookings, I didn’t do many a day.

Which is not at all to say everyone who focuses on shorter bookings and is highly sexual and sexual only focused in branding in sessions is doing so for survival- many enjoy it and prefer that, and that’s valid af!

But for many(not all!)- it’s out of necessity.
Anyway, I digress. But yes, despite the irony of what you may think-in person sw has usually allowed me to actually have very limitedness of having to push me more outside my sexual comfort zone than previously in online and civ work.

In my civ work, all forms of it from waitress to retail to bigger white collar office jobs, I had to deal with sexual harassment that I was forced to brush off and ignore.

With sex work, I’ve (mainly, and from a large place of privilege) been able to regain my power in not being objectified or used sexually without my permission. It’s a big part of this work, the one career where I can fight back against that.

(7/17) 🧵
BUT ... going back into online work and having to have a heavy social media presence (even before this, but mostly since having to do online again) - the scales have tipped again.

Back to my original point-sexuality is a very small part of my personality. I’m not a hugely sexual person. Super into intimacy and friendship and romance? 100% all the time 24/7. But sexuality- while a part of my personality and I enjoy it, is a small part, even in civ.

So after a limited amount of being sexual per day that I’d normally have- it’s a little much. I don’t take bookings every day, and when I do like I said.. probably adds up total to maybe 1 hour of sex total TOPS? 2 on like day long bookings? And that’s perfect for me.

Beyond that, sexuality is active active work for me. Not that “oh it’s terrible and I hate it” and you’ll never want my 0F PPV because you’ll think I’m actively crying every time I film a porn- but in it’s very intense work way, like running a long sprint vs a nice walk

And so going back into online and having to do sexual stuff fairly constantly- is EXHAUSTING for me in certain ways, performing sexuality is a lot for me to do 24/7.

Much better now, but esp early pandemic where I was doing lots of sexting email packages of multiple times a day sexy stories AND providing so much OF content for only $7 a month AND vid calls- fuck, it was so much exhaustion in the performance. running 20 miles a day.

But you see- this is why now that I have more of the privilege to as I’m taking bookings again, that I have VERY limited avenues to that highly outright sexual part of me.

It’s not my personality or energy to be that way 24/7, and I need to conserve my sanity and energy.

My 0F is not outright porn on the feed. The only way you get access to full nudes of me or any outright porn is by paying for PPV or joining one of my rewards tiers.

Want to talk lewd with me? Either pay for a booking or pay for a session.

There’s a huge assumption that we all do sw because we’re highly sexual creatures and just love love sex all the time- but that’s simply not the case for most. (And many that it’s not true for but present have to perform that it is for survival)

All of this to say- don’t expect a sw to be sexual with you in any capacity for free, even words, just because they’re a sw.

You’re asking them to work and put forth extra energy, possibly draining, for nothing. DON’T DO IT.

(17/17 end 🧵)
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