It’s becoming clearer and clearer that “just publish it all, and let people decide for themselves” doesn’t work in the age of social media amplification. What’s not clear is how you fix it consistent with the first amendment. But obvious now we’re going to have to try.
It’s far too lucrative to sell incendiary lies that make us feel better about ourselves, and that people get deeply brainwashed for easier than most of us would have ever thought.
Moreover, conservative leaders need to speak out, as some are starting to, to break the insidious, lazy cynical belief that it’s currently happening to equal degrees on both sides. It cld happen to equal degrees on both sides, but the truth is it’s not. We need to face up to this
I’m not pretending to have the answer. But I know we have to start by owning up fully and honestly to the problem. “Both sides same“ is killing us as a nation.
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