Imagine the lack of self awareness in @LindseyGrahamSC and @marcorubio as they issue sanctimonious and pious calls for unity. Do they not understand the magnitude of their disgrace and hypocrisy? Do they understand that they are men with no dignity and honour?
Do they understand that their names will be carved into the American story as the enablers of this four years of catastrophe? Do they not understand that all of us know they are frauds? Do they not know we casually watched them discard every value they claimed fidelity towards
in the name of Trump. They were apologists for violence, conspiracy theories, racial hatred, anti Semitism and the lethal incompetence responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Do they see statesmen staring back in the mirror? Are they that delusional?
There will be accountability and a reckoning for the violence done to the American people through the attack on the great Citadel of American Freedom. None of us have to pretend that any of these rancid people are on the level ever again. It applies to the Religious hucksters
Like @Franklin_Graham and Jerry Falwell jr. It applies to Trumps WH factotum. It applies to his Congressional stooges. It applies to all of them.
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