I hoped Trump would fade away to oblivion. But, regretfully, internet bans are forcing us to talk about him one more time. Now, it's probably expected of everyone to express an opinion because silence can be perceived as an opinion too. So here's the thread with mine. 1/10
1) I believe in a liberal democracy, market capitalism, globalization, free trade, and absolute freedom of speech. While not perfect, I believe they are much better than alternatives. Trump believes in the exact mirror opposite (especially state-controlled crony capitalism). 2/10
2) Still, I find no joy in these bans because we couldn't dispel his vile, poisonous magic over his followers and defeat his ideology by democratic means. I'm afraid this ended the conversation and therefore represents Trump's win and our failure, not a reason to celebrate. 3/10
3) Timing of this action makes me nauseous. Internet giants didn't stop Trump during his rise. Instead, they used him to become trillion-dollar companies. They banned him on his way out, and the reason wasn't moral repulsion but an effort to forestall antitrust legislation. 4/10
4) Internet giants' allegiance shouldn't be taken for granted. If or when Republicans one day return to power, internet giants could just as easily switch sides again to save themselves and use this as a precedent to ban the other side and the freedom of speech. 5/10
5) Some want to continue the purge by expelling other dictators, like Khamenei; even ban propagandists of undemocratic regimes, like Hu Xijin. But we must never do that because we need to keep our friends close and our enemies closer. Besides, the CCP would be delighted. 6/10
6) The good intention of stopping the spread of lies in the open will force the lies to go underground. But history teaches us that those lies and conspiracy theories don't die in the dark but grow stronger, more extreme, and violent. Only the light can make lies dissipate. 7/10
7) Trump has discredited himself in the eyes of his followers for giving up. Now the bans made him into some kind of surreal 21st-century internet martyr. No matter how bizarre, martyrdom attracts followers so it might galvanize his supporters into more hatred and action. 8/10
8) No matter how much these sick words on the internet violate our eyes and minds, I still believe they defuse the tension in society. Even if repugnant, it's better to offend each other online and take selfies while on the rampage than to fight and shoot each other offline. 9/10
9) A ban doesn't make a problem go away. Trump's supporters will not change their minds; on the contrary. They'll find some other medium, by pigeons if necessary, to communicate and plot. But, next time, neither we nor intelligence agencies will know what they are up to. 10/10
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