What if I told you that the book of Genesis is not old testament and shouldn't be classified as one?

What if I told you Mathew, Mark, Luke and John aren't new testament?

I know you may have heard something like this

Let me show you why they are not

Issa Thread 🔥🔥
In our Bible today we have old testament and new testament

So you are conditioned that way to see from Genesis to Malachi as old testament

And Mathew to Revelation as new testament.

If you study the scriptures well you'd see it's not really so
What is a testament? Simply put "it's a Will"

And a will doesn't come into effect until the death of the testator

Having this in mind you may understand where I'm going.

Always have it in your mind that the old testament is a shadow of the new
Someone said the Old testament is like a trailer while the new testament is the main movie

You may not understand the full movie by watching the trailer

But you can understand the trailer by watching the full movie.

So let's look at how a testament comes into play
When God gave Moses the first convenant/testament, it wasn't in effect until He sprinkled blood on it.

The blood of bulls and goats was what set the first covenant into motion

So a death was necessary to set the first covenant into motion
In Leviticus 17:11 The Bible let's us know that the life of the Flesh is in the Blood

So when blood is she'd it means the life has been poured out. So with this the First Testament was set into motion

And like I said these things are shadows of the real thing
So the old testament didn't exist before Exodus 19 (Exodus 24) because the testament didn't come into effect before then.

So Genesis is not the old testament. You may refer to it as the book of the Bible but not Old testament

Like I said, these are Shadows
When Jesus Christ which is the main Koko showed up!

He set up a new Convenant/Testament and first Testament became old testament. Now you are understanding it yeah?

Jesus died to mediate the New testament (salvation) for Israel
The Death/blood of Jesus Christ set the new testament into effect

During Jesus last super He said "This is the new testament in my blood"

So now that the new Testament is available we shouldn't live any longer in the old. It's out of date
So Jesus have to die before before the New testament can come into play

Jesus didn't die until Mathew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23 and John 19

So everything before then was old testament. Jesus lived in the old testament too

In a sense Mathew, mark, Luke & John are under old testament
I'm sure now you understand why Mathew, Mark, Luke & John aren't new testament

Having this understanding your Study life will improve.

You'd know that as a non Jews you were not under the law, you'd understand that you are not the redeemed

Because you were never under the law
But these are topics I will touch on some other time

We that are living in the new testament, that we the church, our Ministry was revealed by God through the apostle Paul

Through Paul the Ministry of the new testament was revealed
So I hope you now understand what it means to be in the new testament and also to be in the old testament

Maybe in another thread I will share the importance of this

Understanding this will improve your Bible study.

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