POTUS claims of 1st Amendment violations are LIES. The 1st Amendment protects us from the government. It does NOT protect the government so it can abuse us.
I have gone to jail to protect a source. I sued Trump to keep a press pass. In both cases the government sought to stifle free speech. When a private person or a company tells the government NO that's an act of freedom. At this point Trump represents the government.
After Trump leaves office it will be a private individual fighting a private or public company. That is also NOT a violation of the First Amendment. When the government or an agent of the government intervenes - that is a violation of Free speech.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
No where does this defend government abuse of its citizens. And it DOES address the insurrection at the Capitol. So taking a knee at a football game is a peaceable assembly and allowed. Killing cops in the capitol is a crime and not covered by The First Amendment.
For #MorePerspective I can recommend a few history books and a few court cases like "Karem vs. Priest" and "Karem vs. Trump".
More importantly please read the U.S. Constitution.
I'll shameless plug this book from 1992:
IF Donald Trump wants to speak, I recommend using the biggest bully pulpit available to mortal man - the White House Press Briefing Room. It is absolute hogwash to contend that he has had his free speech compromised. He has the ability to speak to the entire world any time.
You can follow @BrianKarem.
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