Impeachment & conviction matters—& not just bc of the national security risks for the next 11 days.

There must be consequences for inciting insurrection. We can’t set the precedent of letting that go.

IMO, that’s even more important than preventing T from holding office again.
We can’t just “turn the page” for the sake of “unity.”

That undermines our democracy, reinforces the strength of white supremacy, and is appeasement to the worst elements of our society.

Appeasement is not the answer.

Accountability—and more—is.

We need a reckoning.
White supremacy is a blight, a cancer.

You don’t look away and hope it disappears.

You excise it. You take every possible step to nullify and stop it.

Yes, the treatment is difficult, painful.

The alternative is worse.

(This is a metaphor, don’t take it too far.)
If your priority is to move on, you’re probably not one of the people who is most immediately and directly harmed by white supremacy.

That’s privilege.

We can’t preference privilege over justice.

Asking people—especially Black & brown people—to get over it is simply wrong.
Performative allyship is offensive.

You’re showing us who you are, and we believe you.

Do better.
I’m looking at both our elected officials, and those “resister” types who say they’re “tired” from the last four years and can’t we just move on. Can’t we just take a break and wait.

No. We can’t.
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