Part of a larger coordinated kidnapping plot, Larry Brock breached the Senate with zip-ties just a little bit late.

I'm going to bet he loses his Air Force pension.
Part of a larger coordinated kidnapping plot to take hostages in the House of Representatives, Eric Munchel of Nashville TN just missed their VERY close escape.

Eric is currently a bartender at Doc Ford's Rum Bar & Grille. But not much longer.
36 year old Adam Johnson in jail today. Arrested in Florida yesterday. Reports suggest that he's no longer grinning.

#QAnon idiot Jacob Anthony Chansley, has been arrested and is currently in jail.

Feds have charged Peter Stager with the beating a DC police officer with an American flag.

"Everybody in there is a treasonous traitor," Stager said in a video obtained by the FBI. "Death is the only remedy for what's in that building."

Robert Keith Packer, 56, of Newport News, VA, was booked into jail by the U.S. Marshals Service yesterday.

Today, the "6 million dead jews was not enough" guy was released on his own recognizance.
North Carolina state trooper Mark Melvin is placed on leave after social media posts showed him attending Jan 6th riot.
Retired fireman Robert Sanford beat three policemen in the head ... using a fire extinguisher. Only one has died so far.
Breaking & entry criminal specialist, Jenny Cudd of Midland Texas has been arrested. After bragging about breaking into Pelosi's office steal her gavel & other insurrectionist nonsense, she returned to Midland's Becky's Flowers ... headquarters for her extensive criminal empire.
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