We all mock Americans for their complete ignorance about the rest of the world. My sixth grade teacher told me why - and we are now seeing the payoff. (Thread)
In 6th grade, I was attending an international school in Curaçao, an island in the Dutch Caribbean. Most of our teachers were American. Most of us were not. My classmates were Venezuelan, Indian, British, Canadian, Brazilian... and we had a handful of American kids.
The American kids stood out in one particular way - their complete ignorance about anything outside of the USA. American kids would ask me if I had lived in an igloo in Canada. That kind of thing.
Someone once brought this up to our American social studies teacher. Mr Bunnell was a short, strict teacher who managed to rule the classroom with an iron fist, while simultaneously being a really cool and fun guy.

He told us the USA WANTS their populace ignorant.
The American school system, Mr Bunnell explained, is specifically designed to fill American heads with falsehoods. He said it is critically important for Americans to believe - to think they KNOW - that America is the best place in the world.
A country as large as the US, our teacher told us, finds it hard to maintain unity. People are naturally more loyal to their own town, their own state, than to people on the other side of the continent.
Mr Bunnell said that America had still not recovered from the civil war. That the name is a dream more than a reality - America is more accurately called The Dispparate and Squabbling States of America. So he said the school system is rigged to compensate for this.
The American school system, my teacher explained, is more propaganda than education. It is designed to indoctrinate every American into the Cult of America - to believe that they are the best, most important, country in the world.

It is protection... and it is working.
For four years the GOP have been happy to go along with Trump’s divisiveness. They didn’t flinch when he called Neo Nazis very fine people. They didn’t flinch when he boasted he could kill someone with impunity. They defended him every step of the way... until now.
When Trump started talking about overthrowing the election, a noticeable number of the GOP began to look uncomfortable. Why? Because the American school system has writ the Doctrine of American Democracy deep into their tiny, tiny, hearts.
When a mob overtook the Capitol, when Americans saw defiled statues of presidents, and riots in halls they have been raised to view as Sacred... that did something that nothing else did. It hit them right in the brainwashing.
Even hard-core evil people - people like William Barr - couldn’t stand with Trump when he began openly talking about flouting democracy. And that is because the American school system designed them to balk there. It is their core code, the deepest level of their programming.
And now, now that Trump flags have been paired with images of a defiled Capitol building, now Trump is finally FINALLY persona non grata. Twitter band him. Parler gets removed from the play store. Reddit gets rid of r/trump.
The civil war is on the verge of starting again, and now decades of deliberate propaganda, a hundred plus years of drilling love of the Capitol into American hearts and minds, an education full of lies about American greatness... are paying off.
What we are seeing now is Americans balking. Racism didn’t make the Republicans balk. Sexual assault didn’t make Republicans balk. Blackmailing the Ukraine didn’t make Republicans balk. Corruption, greed, and 400k dead Americans couldn’t even do it.

But now... they’re balking.
Americans may think that Canadians live in igloos. Americans may believe they are a beaming symbol of democracy in a dark communist world. Americans may be full of complete hooey - but it’s by design, and my news feed today is a glorious list of the payoff.
Most of the time, The American public school system is a source of entertainment for us, as our comedy hosts travel there and demonstrate all the things Americans don’t seem to know.
But most people didn’t have an American like Mr Bunnell to explain to them that this is not an accident - that this is by design, because the next civil war is still looking for a place to begin, and so a fail safe is put in place:
That American reverence for the institutions at the heart of their country, that American deep seated belief that they are the best in the world... that is drilled deep into the hearts of Americans. And Jan 6th hit them right in the centre of it.
When children were torn from their parents arms and put in concentration camps, Republicans didn’t draw a line. When black people were dying, Republicans didn’t draw a line. When every word out of the president’s mouth was a rambling lie, Republicans were fine. But now...
What Trump, who never touched a public school in his life, never realized, is that while he may be able to shoot someone on the streets of New York and get away with it, America DOES have a line in the sand - and that is Capitol Hill.
The people who stormed Capitol Hill thought they would be hailed as heroes, because in their minds they were taking back something that had been defiled, stolen. Trump used that fierce indoctrination to make his followers believe Democracy was under attack.
Only a direct attack on Democracy itself could get Americans smashing windows of the Capitol. Only a fervent belief that they were saving America could get right wing everyday people to attack white cops.

They thought they were heroes.
Republicans are responsible for this. The GOP should have seen this coming. Some did - some of the smarter ones, like William Barr - saw that it had gone too far. But most didn’t, because for all their rhetoric they didn’t understand how deep it went.
But now Trump has officially crossed this deeply-indoctrinated line. Finally he is going to be removed from office. Finally he and his evil rabble rousing will be banned, silenced, quelled.

4 years too late... but better late than never.

The final fail safe stopped him.
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