nobody is happier about trump & friends getting deplatformed than the anti-anti-trump fake intellectual wing of the GOP, who are more than thrilled to have something else to put on their monacles and cluck at, rather than awkwardly hide their roles in enabling a coup
remember: it’s all an act. they don’t give a shit about “free speech” or “tech monopolies” or any of the lofty nonsense they rage on about, they just pick up whatever convenient shield happens to be lying around and bait you into arguing it with them
don’t waste your bandwidth. they enabled a violent attack on *literally* american representative governance and desperately want to move on by sucking everyone into an endless swirling toilet of “is this censorship REALLY good for us hmmm?”
you don’t get to give shelter & comfort to terrorist goons & their congressional dr. frankensteins as they attempt to install a dictator & are met with some halfassed consequences for the first time, then climb up on the water tower shouting WHOA WHOA WHOA WE NEED TO DEESCALATE
they’re more fired up about the shitbags who directly orchestrated & incited a terrorist attack against america getting booted off twitter than they were about a terrorist attack against america. think about that.
this is 100% fake outrage designed to redirect the inconvenient focus that ted cruz attempted to throw 80 million votes in the trash and encouraged violent sedition
again, I am begging you to observe that ted cruz is a million times angrier that some traitorous shitbags got banned from twitter than *at the actual traitorous shitbags*
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