Since Twitter is purging us anyway, thought I would share a few thoughts and not worry about getting suspended.

The Democrats stole the 2020 election and everyone knows it. They know it too. Joe Biden is not a legitimate President.
“You ain’t black” Joe Biden is a senile old man that can’t function & will be thrown overboard soon for the “real” Pres Kamala Harris. There’s no such thing as a Dem socialist. It’s communism. They sell you Dem Socialism because it sounds better & they think you’re stupid...
Speaking of stupidity BLM/ANTIFA got played by the left for 6 months. BTW - I hear you’re being completely ignored by Biden/Harris now. Congratulations! Couldn’t happen to a better group of people.
I bet you feel stupid now.
The left accuses Pres Trump of being a fascist dictator But look around you. Who are the real fascists? BTW - you lefty sycophants who celebrate conservatives being censored, please realize that they will eventually come for you next. Don’t doubt me on this.
The left ALWAYS ALWAYS accuses you of what they are doing.
Climate Change is Hoax. COVID still has a recovery rate of 99.9%. You’re being lied to about everything
CNN, MSNBC and MSM are FAKE NEWS. They lie about everything all the time. They chop wood & carry water for the Democrats. They are not fair and balanced.
Yes they are coming for your guns. Yes you will lose your private insurance and be forced into Medicare for all. Yes they will usher in the Green New Deal. Yes you will become 2nd class citizens to illegal aliens that will flood the border because of Biden’s open border pol.
The left wants us dead. Will settle for us miserable. Remember that when they talk about uNiTy.
A hard truth: GOP doesn’t give a damn about us. A fact backed by years of selling us out to the highest bidder and underscored by the Override of Trumps veto on the defense and stimulus bills. And though they might not realize it yet, GOP is dead.
Never Trumpers- the McCains, the Romney’s, Lincoln Project are NOT conservatives. They are Elitist establishment snobs who think they’re better than you.
Get your kids out of public schools. They don’t learn a damn thing. They’re being indoctrinated. Teachers unions need to be abolished. They are turning our kids in woke, hate-filled sycophants.
To all MAGA Patriots & followers: Thank you! Thank you for giving me your time and thank you for making me laugh ( @catturd2). It’s been such a joy. I’m on GAB Social & Parler. Look for me there.
And a special thank you to President Trump for fighting for US and this country like no other President in my lifetime. We owe you and your lovely family a huge debt of gratitude! THANK YOU!
And ALWAYS remember America is still the greatest country in the world. Never give up fighting for her and all she stands for. Keep the faith! God bless & keep you all. Talk to you soon!
You can follow @rhondacarlisle9.
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