Why get the style features writer from @BritishGQ write that piece? Specially as it’s purpose is basically to showcase one ‘consultant’?
So who is Kovler? What is his expertise on insurrections? Coups? Far right extremism?

A search throws this up as the first result on my device:
So actually zero expertise in any of the topics in question. But now he has an interview in @GQMagazine about the most important event in recent history (with the style editor but 🤷🏽‍♀️).

Next up, expect similar fawning pieces with his ‘wisdom’ in a whole array of publications
Meanwhile same journalists will steadfastly ignore actual experts - with years of study, phds, post-docs, publications - who lost their jobs and have neo-Nazi death threats against them for their vast knowledge and courage to speak of it like the brilliant @MsEntropy!!!!
I bet if I dig a bit more, the journo and this consultant will turn out to be mates. We’ve seen how FT created Goodwin because...schoolmates with the editor. And that racist fuck F*x. And Penny who was friends with Milo!
Whenever the dust settles, we need to hold journalists and legacy media outlets accountable for colluding in the rise of the far right, for aiding and abetting the horror we are living!
You can follow @ProfSunnySingh.
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