*THREAD* How do we encourage more SM throughout the ranks to get the vaccine. We are trying to convince SM to do something they may not want to do so reflect in the fundamentals of leadership. Start by taking the time to understand each of their concerns.
(1/26) https://twitter.com/gilltheamazon/status/1347677058328113155
With vaccines its important to countering misinformation through education, leading by example to build trust, and to inspire them by linking it to their sense of duty.
Countering misinformation:
Lets start by reviewing how viruses infect infect us: https://twitter.com/jtp802/status/1336080566664503296?s=19
Now let's talk about how mRNA vaccines work: https://twitter.com/jtp802/status/1336098324936536073?s=19 (4/26)
Myth 1: It will change my DNA. The viral mRNA never enters your cells nucleus therefore it is never coded into your DNA. (5/26)
Scientist have identified the part of the viral RNA which codes for the spike proteins that are typically found on the outside of the virus and used that to help make a vaccine. (6/26)
The scientists cut that part of the RNA out and put it into a lipid envelop which is suspended in a salt and sugar solution. The lipid delivers the small section of the RNA to our cells and then our cells ribosomes read it and build the spike proteins. (7/26)
These spikes are what our immune system uses to identify the virus, destroy it, and build immunity. Retroviruses such an HIV have a dangerous protein called integrase which carries the RNA into the nucleus and integrates the viral RNA into our cells DNA. (8/26)
Neither this virus nor the vaccine have protein so your DNA remains safely protected in the nucleus. Even if the RNA magically got into your nucleus there is no mechanism for it to be replicated, assembled, and then inserted into your DNA. (9/26)
Myth 2: I'll get sick from it. Unlike other vaccines these vaccines don't use live or inactivated virus. They only use a small part of the viral RNA which codes for the spike protein and its impossible for the virus to replicate when introduced this way. (10/26)
You may feel the side-effects of a typical vaccine such as tenderness as the site as well as the impact of your immune system response such as aches, pains, tiredness. Thats safe and ok. (11/26)
Myth 3: There are bad side effects: The most commonly reported side effects, which typically lasted several days, were pain at the injection site, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes in the same arm as the injection, (12/26)
nausea and vomiting, and fever. Only 1 in 11 million resulted in significant allergic reactions for individuals who have never had a reaction before. (13/26)
These vaccines have been through 3 rigorous phases of testing which included over 30k human trials each and are considered very safe. (14/26)
Myth 4: We dont know about long term side effects. While this is true for this vaccine in particular, (16/26)
the mRNA vaccine technology has been around for decades and the process it is unlikely to cause any long term issues since the mRNA is dissolved by the body shortly after its introduced. (17/26)
We are effectively using our own cells ribosomes to help introduce a part of the virus rather than introducing the entire virus or parts of the virus. All the ingredients have been tested, are safe, and are used in various products. (18/26)
Its worth noting that the long term effects of COVID could be much worse and only time will tell how COVID impacts out bodies in the long run (19/26)
Myth 5: The vaccine is packed with unknown preservatives/ingredients: Here is a list of ingredients https://twitter.com/jtp802/status/1347674537706606592. (20/26)
Next lets talk to our soldiers about our duty to protect others: We can be doing everything right but one mistake can lead to COVID. If we get it we may be fine and be healthy but there is little data. (21/26)
Also, our friends or families may have an underlying health condition that we don't know about. Their immune system may be compromised and they could have severe infection. We can prevent this suffering by getting a simple shot. (22/32)
Leading by example is pretty straight forward. Leaders at all levels need to set the tone. Sure we want the key leaders out there getting their vaccine but we also want the key influencers. Who do your soldiers look up to? Those are the individuals we want out front. (23/26)
Find those leaders, educate them on the benefits, let them do the work for you. (24/26)
Last thing I'll leave you with is a TTP. Have 100% of SM report to the vaccine clinic and require all of them to fill out the paperwork. If they refuse, don't let them leave early. Make them wait for the rest of their unit. Prioritize this over all other training. (25/26)
Mandate that each refusal has to meet with a provider so the SM has an opportunity to talk with an expert regarding the vaccine. ALWAYS keep the door open if they refuse. They may change their mind when they see all of their peers getting it. (26/26)
You can follow @jtp802.
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