both the capital storming and the Beer Hall Putsch were done by literal nazis heavily astroturfed by fascist businessmen/political bosses. but the MAJOR FUCKING DIFFERENCE... (1/?)
is that the Beer Hall Putsch had implicit backing of a huge percentage of the german business/political elite and their industrial colonialism money, because they saw nazi overthrow of the Weimar government as necessary to achieve a fascism where they could profit immensely
and the prospect of going open season and seizing all the assets, houses, land, small businesses etcetera of Jews (and later of enslaving them) was a massive plunder opportunity, which is part of why such a huge majority of the rich people ended up supporting Nazism + Holocaust
Antisemitic wealthy powerful Germans and other Europeans supported fascist overthrow of the existing colonial “liberal democracy” states because those states insufficiently fulfilled the fascist-capitalist project, and they were afraid that without a fascist coup, Germany
(+ italy france etc) would have communist revolutions because the “liberal” capitalist state would insufficiently suppress communism and wasn’t stable in the long term. overt fascism displaced colonial parliamentary democracy because elites saw it as only way to stop socialism.
and they saw bringing genocide and systematic racial enslavement and dispossession to the heart of Europe, like they had already been doing in Africa South Asia etcetera, as a massive opportunity to make/steal a fuckton of money.
which they DID, by the way. most of the immense personal and corporate fortunes made during Nazi Germany, using Jewish and Roma slave labor and Nazi war production contracts and shit, were never confiscated. the heirs of nazi blood money still have that money today.
most of them are just regular rich people whose fortunes have opaque paper trails.
anyways the Beer Hall Putschists had the backings of a LOT of German elites who saw a Nazi overthrow of the Weimar government as their only viable path to preserving the colonialist-capitalism system that was enriching them.
January 6 Capitol storming riot was astroturfed by Republican elites, but has A LOT LESS support from rich elites, and most of the American political Right seems annoyed that this protest they astroturfed ballooned into riot with bad optics that is divisive among conservatives
is that because the American conservative elites are less fascist and maniacally literally genocidally racist than 1920s German conservative elites? absolutely not!!
it’s because American rich elites know that their current system of neocolonial capitalism, enforced by using military force and economic warfare to install overtly fascist client governments abroad, is more stable and will last longer than a Qanon 8chanposter kaiserreich
the Qanon “Jews will not replace us” type overt nazis are close to power in that much of their ideology has ALWAYS pervaded “mainstream” conservatism and in that they are clearly used as pawns and political assets by ALL Republican Party bosses
but they are far from power in that the political/economic elites who are already in power and use that power to do fascism/colonialism, know that letting wannabe nazi putschists overthrow the existing government would harm their ability to enslave and bleed dry the global south.
you don’t need to get volatile mask-off neonazi fascism at the Government Store when you already have much broader and more stable fascism at home that most of the population refuses to recognize as fascism already
when American apartheid-fascism and level of violent repression escalates, it’s going to come from inside the elite echelons of existing electoral power, not from a mob of nazi landscaping company owners who fly into DC to install God Emperor Trump as Beloved Leader in Perpetuity
so the use of these incidents to justify a goddamn Patriot Act 2.0, and setting the precedent that “inciting a riot” and “sedition” are impeachable offenses but war crimes and concentration camps are not impeachable, and giving social media monopolist billionaires free reign to
block political actors for “inciting riots or sedition,” is all extremely fucking shortsighted shit that is absolutely going to be used to crush the socialist Left at all levels
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