I think we need to hold two thoughts in our heads simultaneously: 1) there is some strategic value to banning Trump from Twitter and 2) our media systems, online or off, are too important to be left in the hands of for-profit private entities and must be democratized
People can't have meaningful control over their lives without timely and accurate information about their social world. As @tressiemcphd writes, "Information is the vessel for social actions and social facts. If information is inaccessible, the objects of everyday life are too.”
Our commercialized media sphere has always done a poor job of supplying this information. Because the idea of media as a public service is fundamentally incompatible with organizing media for profit, as @VWPickard's work shows
The question of what content moderation choices we should demand of the so-called platforms is an important one, because they wield such incredible power. But while we're petitioning the king we should also be scheming about how to chop his head off
That is, we should be scheming about how to develop publicly and cooperatively owned media systems, online and off, that are insulated from the pressures of the profit motive and can therefore provision the information necessary for personal and collective self-rule
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