On this day, in Black history, Fisk Free Colored School (now Fisk Univ.) opened its doors in 1866–six months after the end of the Civil War. It’s the oldest higher ed institution in Nashville, TN. 900 freed Black students, ages ranging from 7 to 70, attended classes that year.
Fisk has a powerful legacy. It led universities throughout the nation even before accreditation was available in their region. Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. Du Bois and other prominent figures have attended. Professors like Arna Bontemps (Langston’s homie!) & James Weldon Johnson. Swoon.
Fisk is also home to the world renowned Fisk Jubilee Singers—an acapella ensemble that toured The Underground Railroad path, universities, and the world.

These incredible voices were brought together as a fundraising effort when the Univ. was in financial trouble.

I often think about the words of the Fisk Jubilee singers and their experiences.

These students initially traveled for 18 months...in horrible accommodations, mistreatment from the press, and a lack of funding for themselves.
Maggie Porter, born an enslaved woman, was an original member of the Fisk Jubilee Singers. She participated in the first 3 tours. She was a well known soprano & a schoolteacher. After one of her schools she worked in was burned by the Klu Kl*x Kl*n...she made her way to Fisk.
The singers performed in Cincinnati and the group was required to donate their profit to “The Great Chicago Fire.”

Maggie recalls, “We had thirty dollars and sent every penny to Chicago and didn’t have anything for ourselves."

One of my favorite things to read is J.W. Alvord’s report on the Freedmen’s Bureau’s attempt to establish schools for freed people.

There is so much pride and so much laughter and so much pain, as I read. https://twitter.com/zinnedproject/status/1347921570635935744
Many HBCUs and southern institutions are named for their founders or funders or funder’s nieces. 🥴

It creates this narrative...that the Bureau initiated Black folx’ “education.”

THIS REPORT SAYS THAT IS A LIE. (*whispers* we already knew) https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=njp.32101067479475
J. W. Alvord was the General Superintendent of Education of the Freedmen's Bureau. He was supposed to survey the nation and establish schools for Black people.

Here’s what he found...
Alvord estimated that there were at least 500 schools already in operation throughout the South. He states, “This educational movement among the freedmen has in it a self-sustaining element.”

He was in SHOCK that we had already set up shop. Schools. Teachers. The works.
And you best believe Fisk carried that legacy to 2021.

Happy Birthday, @Fisk1866! 🎈
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