Short thread.

For probably obvious reasons I've been giving a lot of thought over the last year to remote leadership and management, ie when you are not face-to-face with your team.
I remember being told by my seniors in ships early in my naval career to get out and about with my sailors. "You can't lead by email!" was the common line.

I used that line, too, later when my juniors sat staring at a screen.
Now I'm not so sure that is always right. We don't always have the luxury of close physical proximity to the people who work for us, or to the people we work for. They may not even be in the same country.
One of the things it says is that different types of leader flourish remotely. I have had colleagues who frustrate the hell out of me by (a) never or very slowly responding, or (b) bombarding mine and everyone's inbox. Finding the right balance is tricky. So is all leadership.
For @UKACSC currently studying command, leadership, (management) and ethics I think there is much to think about.

Even when the pandemic is over modern ways of working will endure.

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