A thread: I've been thinking about helping recently. About the reasons behind helping others, whether it's as part of a job, volunteering or just small acts of kindness. I first started volunteering for Red Cross in secondary school. I had always had a strong need to care for 1
others. Somehow it felt like my natural state. I enjoyed it and someone else benefited from it. I was dreaming of becoming a nurse. Throughout the years this continued. I worked in various health and social care roles caring for others. I volunteered to lead an eating disorder 2
support group, helped in animal shelters etc. I donated money to various charities even when I didn't have much. I never gave my reasons much thought. It felt the right and natural thing to do. With adulthood my relationship with helping has changed 3
without realising. I still feel most at home when caring for others. I still think it's the right thing to do and a key feature of a meaningful life. But somehow, at some point it's become tied to self worth and something that has to be done. There is so much suffering in the 4
world whilst my own life is comfortable. It's difficult to feel like you're ever doing enough. How much money is enough to donate? How much time to have to yourself vs should give to others? I've noticed I become very restless and uncomfortable if there are periods when I'm 5
not doing anything to help others. Not helping makes me feel like a bad person. Like just existing should always be earned somehow. I long to be back in that childlike state where helping is natural and not a way to earn anything. But is helping others something that has to be 6
done? Why do you help others? Why do humans help each other? Do we need to earn our existence /worth? How do you know what amount of helping is enough? Would love to hear different thoughts on this. 7/7
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