It's entertaining to watch heads explode regarding "censorship" when in reality, Twitter has the right to refuse anyone service for violating the TOS and always has. They misapply it all the time. Ask any online sex worker you know. What sex workers go through 1/
with social media, just for advertising products and services that are *legal* (Zero disrespect to FSSW or survival sex workers that have to operate in grey areas). Censorship of sex workers is state-sponsored censorship, because they're actively legislating against it. 2/
Even if we deplatform them, Nazis still have revenue streams. You can't randomly lose your PayPal or your Venmo for being a Nazi as easily as you can lose those accounts for appearing to possibly do sex work, even if the sex work you're doing is fully legal. 3/
There is a difference between privately owned companies d-platforming folks that were involved in a violent insurrection, and censorship. Censorship/violation of first amendment rights cases can only be brought against government entities. It hurts my heart to see people 4/
on the left shaming folks for being happy Nazis are getting deplatformed because "censorship bad", when I see so few people fighting to prevent actual censorship happening on this bird site, or anywhere else, when they come for sex workers. 5/5
PS If you actually do decide to ask sex workers what it's like, trying to do a legal job on the internet while legislators are doing everything they can to make it difficult, make sure you tip them well for their labor . I'm serious.
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