I supported the President uneasily. Given the full throttled murder of the unborn, the instutionalization of sexual perversity in our schools, government orgs, and corporations, and the loss of religious liberty that is now upon us with a Democrat congress...1x
...and a Biden administration, I think many Christians felt that despite his character failings, he was the best choice. I know I did. There is a massive difference between that kind of support and the near worship that the the President is accorded in some circles...
...Yesterday, I posted my wife’s article explaining why so many Christians voted for Trump on an Anglican group I moderate, basically making the same points I did above. The first commenter was outraged, accused the group of becoming leftist, and called my wife an idiot...
...All for suggesting that the President may have some character flaws. That kind of response is the sort you would expect from a religious devotee when his god has been blasphemed, not a Christian when a political leader is mildly critiqued.
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