those "wait you guys don't talk like how you type? sus" tweets are so annoying. there's nothing suspicious about people having more leeway when it comes to typing .. hell i'm autistic so irl i'm a little monotonous and have trouble regulating, so it's refreshing to be able to
type somewhat more enthused online so that there's no ambiguity about how i feel in ways that there perhaps would be if people met me in person. obviously raise your eyebrows if someone is white and adopting nothing but aave but on a base level there's nothing weird or malicious
about someone's typing tone being different to their speaking tone and esp when the person in question isn't american, since so much of the internet takes an americanised stance and requires you to adopt certain isms
obviously i don't type exactly like how i talk RNSHGHSB but in a way that's refreshing to me. it's an outlet. i hate how flat my voice is when internally i'm bouncing off the walls, so it's a place for me to convey that without the awkwardness of being out of my league irl
also an important addendum is that a lot of non english speakers adapt to the majority and if english isn't their first language, chances are: no, they don't speak that way irl. it's really not that weird of a concept for peoples tones to shift
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