
I'm supposed to be taking a break right now from Twitter. I was getting really frustrated by the Left, and the things they were saying about us, and more specifically about Ashi Babbitt. It seemed that once the vote happened, something clicked... the Left realized ⤵️
that they didn't have to hide their true feelings anymore. They knew they were definitely going to have all 3 branches, so there was no longer nothing to fear... they could show their true colors. And they did. American Democrats are the most evil human beings one could
imagine. They are hypocrites of the highest degree. They claim to be compassionate, but that's merely a front to disguise who they really are - power obsessed narcissists. They believe themselves to be intellectually superior, yet they don't even realize they are doing the
bidding of a sinister globalist cabal that consists of corporate gods, bankers, technocrats, and foreign elitists.

Once I saw that social media was purging us, I knew there was no getting away or vacationing from this. This is their Leftist Blitzkrieg. A fascist power grab
that would make Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot proud. They are crushing and silencing dissent and purging us from the town square. I have only ever wanted a country where we the people were afforded the freedom and liberty promised to us by our forefathers, and then let the government
get out of the way so we live our lives as truly free men and women. Tyranny and corruption has been creeping into our government over the past several years, as Marxist and Socialist players poison us from within. Our schools are indoctrination camps that take advantage of
the hole that many parents leave in their children's lives by not instilling strong traditional values in them. Our corporations have stronger loyalties to our foreign enemies than Americans. And our government has grown so large, that unelected bureaucrats (Deep State)
are able to use their overreach and unprecedented power to steer our ship. And once they had the wheel, not even someone like Trump could change course.

Which brings us to what happened at the US Capitol. I initially did what most Conservatives did... I cringed when I saw
what appeared to be MAGA folks storming the Capitol. I immediately began working with other patriots to show the world that Antifa, BLM and far right white supremacists were the main ones causing destruction to the Capitol. I still believe some of that to be true...
However, Ashi Babbitt was NOT Antifa. She was a mom, a USAF Veteran, and a God fearing patriot. She was obviously in the Capitol. And although u can't tell what she was doing when she climbed into that broken window, you can tell what she WASN'T doing. She
The media and well known Democrats (and of course the traitorous RINOs) are doing their absolute BEST to blow this up into something it's not. They're clutching their pearls and pretending to be outraged and scared and shocked.. Oh my!! When in reality, they have been
quietly cheering on the BLM and Antifa riots in Minneapolis, San Francisco, LA, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Kenosha, etc. BILLIONS in damages and over 100 dead! Not a PEEP from them, and this was every night, for MONTHS! So now they want to feign outrage!?!? No!
After all this... the media, the Leftists on social media, the Politicians... after all these lies and gaslighting, I've come to a new conclusion... The "storming" of the US Capitol was and is "The Storm" we've all been waiting for. Wake up! Ashi Babbitt wasn't a victim, she
is a hero! She is a martyr! The Capitol needed to be stormed! Besides the few broken windows, this was no more than a protest in a government building, OUR BUILDING!

If you don't agree, please tell me WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO??? We have tried being the nice guy...
We have tried working with the Democrats... We have tried having a fair and honest debate... We have tried being democratic, and the voting system was corrupted. We tried a legal means to appeal the voter fraud... We were screwed over by liberal judges... and even
Stacey Abrams' sister (GA judge) ruled against us, when she should've recused herself. We were screwed by our own RINO Republican Reps and Senators... We were definitely screwed by the DNC, their propaganda wing, MSM, and the paramilitary wing, BLM/Antifa.
We will most likely be pushed into the dark... maybe Parler, maybe Gab or Telegram. Wherever it is, I will see you all there. We MUST stay focused. We will have to start looking at this problem in a much grfdifferent way. This has to go our way. Our future and our
children's future depends on what we do next. Have strength and courage, fellow patriots. Yes, this is hard... but what's happens now is up to us.
You can follow @greggers4usa.
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